
UCSF HEARTS Program Evaluation:

In a study published in a School Mental Health (a peer-reviewed journal) end-of-year surveys at four schools where the HEARTS full site-based program had been implemented for more than one year, school personnel reported:

  • significant increases in their understanding of trauma
  • significant increases in their use of trauma-sensitive practices
  • significant improvements in their students’ ability to learn, time on task, and school attendance 

In addition, in the school where the HEARTS full site-based program was implemented for five years, the school experienced the following changes compared to the year prior to HEARTS implementation:

After one year of HEARTS:

  • 32% decrease in total disciplinary office referral incidents
  • 43% decrease in incidents involving physical aggression

After 5 years of HEARTS:

  • 87% decrease in total incidents
  • 86% decrease in incidents involving physical aggression 
  • 95% decrease in out-of-school suspensions

Information about HEARTS full site-based implementation and program evaluation has been published in the following article:

Dorado, J. S., Martinez, M., McArthur, L. E., & Leibovitz, T. (2016).  Healthy Environments and Response to Trauma in Schools (HEARTS): A whole-school, multi-level, prevention and intervention program for creating trauma-informed, safe and supportive schools. School Mental Health, 8(1), 163-176.  (DOI 10.1007/s12310-016-9177-0)

For a story about the above HEARTS school and the impact of HEARTS on promoting wellness and school success, please see: acestoohigh.com/2014/01/28/hearts-el-dorado-elementary/